
Running demo file shows error.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I was about to implement your framework. Before that I wanted to check the demo functionality of the framework, but on building it shows an error in ChatViewController.swift - as "use of unresolved identifier OneLastActivity"

OneLastActivity.sendLastActivityQueryToJID((recipient.jidStr), sender: OneChat.sharedInstance.xmppLastActivity) { (response, forJID, error) -> Void in
                        let lastActivityResponse = OneLastActivity.sharedInstance.getLastActivityFrom((response?.lastActivitySeconds())!)

                        self.userDetails = OneLastActivity.sharedInstance.addLastActivityLabelToNavigationBar(lastActivityResponse, displayName: recipient.displayName)

                        if (self.userDetails != nil) {
                                self.navigationItem.title = ""

So any idea about this?

Hello @GABHISEKBUNTY , You should use the pod instead of the zip file, the code isn't synchronized, OneLastActivity doesn't exist anymore

@baoluo I commented out that section of the code in commit 98ca2e9

What that the right thing ? Should code be deleted ?

@mremond Thanks, I will Update the code soon, the OneLastActivity file was requested by an user (Pull request) but it wan't properly implemented, so the file was deleted in the 'pod' version of the repo.