Running demo file shows error.
Closed this issue · 3 comments
gabhisekdev commented
I was about to implement your framework. Before that I wanted to check the demo functionality of the framework, but on building it shows an error in ChatViewController.swift - as "use of unresolved identifier OneLastActivity"
OneLastActivity.sendLastActivityQueryToJID((recipient.jidStr), sender: OneChat.sharedInstance.xmppLastActivity) { (response, forJID, error) -> Void in
let lastActivityResponse = OneLastActivity.sharedInstance.getLastActivityFrom((response?.lastActivitySeconds())!)
self.userDetails = OneLastActivity.sharedInstance.addLastActivityLabelToNavigationBar(lastActivityResponse, displayName: recipient.displayName)
if (self.userDetails != nil) {
self.navigationItem.title = ""
So any idea about this?
baoluo commented
Hello @GABHISEKBUNTY , You should use the pod instead of the zip file, the code isn't synchronized, OneLastActivity doesn't exist anymore
mremond commented