
:zap: This repository is collection of the decoded GAME_MASTER-protobuf files

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Pokemon Go Game Master

ghit.me Online Users in pokemongo-game-master Discord Server

This repository is collection of the decoded GAME_MASTER-protobuf files


This project heavily relies on the help of you. So please contribute.


Add a new Version

The file system should be order like this

└── versions
    ├── latest-version.txt
    ├── 0.57.1
    │   ├── GAME_MASTER.json
    │   └── GAME_MASTER.protobuf
    ├── 0.57.2
    │   ├── GAME_MASTER.json
    │   └── GAME_MASTER.protobuf
    └── latest
        ├── GAME_MASTER.json
        └── GAME_MASTER.protobuf
Add latest version
  1. Add a folder, named like the latest version (e.g. 0.57.3)
  2. Copy the latest protobuf file into the new folder and rename it to GAME_MASTER.protobuf
  3. See Generating a new json file
  4. Remove the folder called versions/latest
  5. Duplicate the folder, with your new protobuf files and rename it to latest (Now your protobuf file should exist 2 times in the project)
  6. Update latest version in versions/latest-version.txt
  7. Create pull request
Add older version
  1. Add a folder, named like the version (e.g. 0.57.3)
  2. Copy the protobuf file into the new folder and rename it to GAME_MASTER.protobuf
  3. See Generating a new json file
  4. Create pull request

Generating a new json file

  1. Copy a protobuf file to the latest directory
  • Gamemaster file can be found on android devices at [internal storage OR sd card]/Android/data/com.ninaticlabs.pokemongo/files/remote_config_cache
  1. Build the json converter (requires java and maven)
  • mvn package
  1. Generate the file
  • WINDOWS: java -cp target\pokemongo-game-master-2.7.0.jar com.pokebattler.gamemaster.GenerateJSON versions\latest\GAME_MASTER.protobuf > versions\latest\GAME_MASTER.json
  • *NIX: java -cp target/pokemongo-game-master-2.7.0.jar com.pokebattler.gamemaster.GenerateJSON versions/latest/GAME_MASTER.protobuf > versions/latest/GAME_MASTER.json


We use this standard.

Third party

If you want to have the latest GAME_MASTER version as a developer, you can use

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrunnerLivio/pokemongo-game-master/master/versions/latest/GAME_MASTER.json



Livio Brunner <contact@brunnerliv.io>

Ryan Barker <celandro@gmail.com>