
Expose non-command features

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In a cluster setup it is still possible to use single-shard transactions. In order to do this you have to find the node holding the data.

You can find the node holding myKey the following way (using lettuce):

val conn: StatefulRedisClusterConnection[String, String] = ???
val slot = SlotHash.getSlot("myKey")

getConnection and getPartitions are currently not available in redis4cats.
I wanted to add those methods to RedisCluster or BaseRedis but realized that, as of today, only RedisCommands is.
But getConnection/partitions are redis features and not redis commands, thus I doesn't seem right to add them to any *Commands trait.

Any suggestion on how those features could be made available, it seems this will require some heavy refactoring ?
It seems to me that only exposing commands will be limiting, connection related features (partitions, lookup etc.) should also be exposed.

Hi @ikempf ,

At a first glance doesn't seem too difficult but let me have a look at it these days and I'll get back to you (currently on a long vacation but I still carry my laptop 🤓 )

Hi @gvolpe,

No rush and have a good holiday ;)