
automatic compilation and publishing of PDF and epub

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi all,

I'm in the process of making an automatic publication of the book on, using asciidoctor and Travis-CI for generating the PDF and epub.

This rework requires to move files around, change how cross-refs are done and change the build scripts. This is quite disruptive and would cause conflicts with ongoing changes.

Please ping me when the repo is idle, so that I can make the transition before you guys restart your work.



@taichunmin 我覺得可以直接讓 jnavila 進行版本庫的調整事項。至於尚未合併的 PR (#31 & #32) 我可以之後解完衝突再重發,你覺得如何?

@YueLinHo 我沒問題,那就辛苦你啦!

雖然說我還是很好奇怎麽不考慮用 GitLab CI,省掉處理那個莫名奇妙的版本問題XD

@jnavila Because Asciidoc have some issue on generating Chinese pdf, I think you may need my Dockerfile to build pdf.

@jnavila And you can also watch my .gitlab-ci.yml file.

@taichunmin Thanks for your advices. I already set up the compilation with chloerei's add-ons to asciidoctor. The final setup will follow yours.