
Wanted to Translate the Book

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This book is precious. Though I noticed there is no translation in my mother tongue - Bengali. So, I have decided to start the work.

What I understood from reading the translation guide is that I have to create a Github organization. That would be titled progit2-[your code] where [your code] is the iso 639 code of the language. Upon checking the Wikipedia page I found that bn is the iso 639-1 code. However, there is someone who has already taken this name, i.e progit2-bn. The repository doesn't even have any activities.

I was wondering whether I can use the iso 639-2/T code (progit2-ben). It is a three-letter code and the title is available on Github.

PS: I am very new to this open-source culture. I could not find any way to contact the maintainers. I tried mailing @ben using the mail address from the log history. Perhaps that is not the proper way.

I'll ping @jnavila here, as they know a lot about translating the book, and can probably offer advice on the name of your project. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I'll ping @jnavila here, as they know a lot about translating the book, and can probably offer advice on the name of your project.

If I remember correctly I think he contributes to the Italian translation. I was actually following progit2-it to understand how to begin. Anyway, thank you for the mention. Hopefully, I would get some suggestions.

ben commented

Are those directions even correct these days? It looks like what we actually do is move a repo's ownership to the progit org, and set the translators as admins there. Does it matter if the repo starts its life in a correctly-named org or belonging to a user?

Are those directions even correct these days? It looks like what we actually do is move a repo's ownership to the progit org, and set the translators as admins there. Does it matter if the repo starts its life in a correctly-named org or belonging to a user?

Apologies, I am not a native English speaker. But what I understand is, effectively, I can choose whatever name I want for the repository. Am I right?

Are those directions even correct these days? It looks like what we actually do is move a repo's ownership to the progit org, and set the translators as admins there. Does it matter if the repo starts its life in a correctly-named org or belonging to a user?

The new Bengali translation can use whatever name @nilTheDev likes. Once the translation is far enough along, they can transfer ownership of the repository to the progit organization. Once the repository is transferred under the progit org, we can use the progit2-bn repository name.

Are those directions even correct these days? It looks like what we actually do is move a repo's ownership to the progit org, and set the translators as admins there. Does it matter if the repo starts its life in a correctly-named org or belonging to a user?

The new Bengali translation can use whatever name @nilTheDev likes. Once the translation is far enough along, they can transfer ownership of the repository to the progit organization. Once the repository is transferred under the progit org, we can use the progit2-bn repository name.

Thank you. I got my answer. I am closing this issue.


Sorry to be late on this. As HonkingGoose wrote, you can choose any name for your repository. These directions are based on past experience where:

  • people asked that I create a repository, only to not work on translating. So, I let them create their own repo and only ping me when some work is available (I call it the "show me the code" principle).
  • When several people want to work together on a repo, it is always simpler to use a GitHub organization to manager rights and ownership. At some point, I need to have administrative rights on the repo in order to set up an manage automatic compilation and deployment on If a repo is not alive and a new contributor wishes to help, I can still transfer it to progit organization, although that means taking ownership of the repo and the corresponding management burden.

To sum up, you should start a repo for your translation, then once some sizeable work has been performed ping me and allow me administrative rights.