
Delete games

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Sometimes both players in a game will accidentally log a game. Would be nice to be able to delete games, whether confirmed or unconfirmed, if you are a participant.

I think a nicer way would be Confirm/Deny. Maybe Deny could require a message/comment.

I don't really like the prospect of deleting confirmed games. This could mean the game has been processed - to delete a game like that would mean rolling back everyones ratings and reapplying Glicko. This is actually possible with my schema since I store every players ratings through history - but I think it would require a background task.

Hmm. How about just for games that haven't been processed yet? Case I'm looking at now:
I logged a game, so did my opponent. Unwittingly, we both confirmed each others version of it, so the game got logged twice. However, this was today, so the weekly processing run hasn't happened yet.

Oh yeah. Seems like everyone makes that mistake once. We use the convention "the winner always logs". Not sure a good way of solving that - but deleting is tricky at the moment since I can't actually tell if a game has been processed at the moment #28 might give me a good way of doing that. We could have a new game state "processed".

Gotcha. Seems like a reasonable system. This is a bit of a hack, but what about "This game was created more recently than the upcoming Monday." Assuming all games are processed at midnight.