
Can not create Event Taps

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm sure I'm missing something here–I'm new to Mac development. But I tried for several hours last night, and couldn't come up with a way to create an event tap. I don't see the CGEventTapCreate function anywhere in the documentation. Am I meant to import "C" to accomplish something like this?

I tried doing something like objc.Call[corefoundation.MachPortRef](...), but couldn't figure out a valid handle to give, and everything I tried panicked because the handle was nil.

I am using the 0.5.0-preview, so maybe the functions I need just haven't landed yet? I was just confused because all of the supporting constants/types (i.e., EventTapLocation, EventTapOptions, etc.) do exist.

We don't create function bindings yet, but yes you can use CGO in the meantime.

👍 Got it. Thanks for the reply!