
v0.1.0 release

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I try to roughly follow semantic versioning where you'll notice the first release is typically v0.1.0, but we're on v0.0.2. This 0.0.x phase is what I might call development pre-release, where the project has even less guarantees for stability and consistency across versions. I have to do this because not only do I work in the open as much as I can, but there are some issues I won't catch that are important and the shape of the problem of the project is still loose. I'd also like to figure out who might be around to help maintain the project to shepherd to a 1.0 release, since I'm unfortunately too busy to focus on any single project reliably.

The way I think of a v0.1.0 release in this case is to make sure initially discovered fundamental problems (such as #12) are solved and/or documented, that there is the start of documentation (the wiki and godocs), and a better idea of conventions and idioms for the project. I think we are very close. I'd like to use this issue to track progress, though keep in mind this is much looser than a definition of 1.0, which is an open discussion conversation.

  • Identify and document conventions for adding new wrapper types/code [#31]
  • Outline start for wiki documentation

Hopefully not much more. Many of these are just making sure things are started not finished, as that's more the role of 1.0.

development path is clearer now. going to release a 0.0.3 as RC for 0.1.0 soon. these unfinished tasks will go into 0.x releases.

  • Provide and document @autoreleasepool block equivalent [#12]
  • Document and automate a release process (GitHub Actions, goreleaser, etc) [#36]

between 0.0.3 and 0.1.0, the bridge ("layer 3") related code will be split out into a macbridge project as its a more experimental consumer of macdriver. the doc crawling and schema generating code recently pulled in will also be split out into a macschema project. this would then be used by macdriver for code generation.