
How to use printOperationWithPrintInfo with webkit framework ?

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I want to use webkit framework to load a URL, and using printOperationWithPrintInfo, on button click, I want to show dialog box to print the webpage.

I am new to macOS development and am building a macOS app in golang using macdriver.

I have followed examples/topframe to launch WKWebView to show my URL. printOperationWithPrintInfo is mentioned in macdriver/api/webkit/wkwebview.objc.json but I am not getting how to proceed further to connect printOperationWithPrintInfo with it.

There is limited documentation online and would appreciate some direction on how to proceed.

I think it's because it's not part of the main interface of WKWebView so we probably don't generate bindings for it (yet). You can use Send to call it without bindings until we support these kinds of methods in binding generation.