Error during 3.0.0 installation and Python 3.9
Closed this issue · 9 comments
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How I did start SLC, with what arguments
./ 3.0.0
Led device name
ReSpeaker 3
The bug
Error during installation
Error during lauching
Debug output
see attached file :
HermesLedControl-3.0.0-Installation Isue.txt
and when excecute :
$ python3.9
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/HermesLedControl/", line 7, in
from models.Configuration import readConfiguration
File "/home/pi/HermesLedControl/models/", line 6, in
import yaml
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'yaml'
To Reproduce
Install the last version of raspberrypi OS Lite
install Respeaker 4mics drivers
install 3.0.0 HermesLedControl
Hey there! 3.0.0 is not yet out and I did not test Bullseye that brings many many issues. It's noted, thanks, but we'll see down the road when releasing. I did not have these issues installing on Buster. Also, the install script changed for 3.0.0, you can find it on the repo for the latest version, just in case
Your bug files states an error with GPIO. Which means, wheels aren't yet available on Bullseye.
Ok thanks for your reply !
I see that for the install script and i used the 3.0.0 version
so you advise me to reinstall Buster and stable version of HLC ?
3.0.0 works flawless on buster, that's for sure
the script is just a little different:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]
then echo "Please run as root"
apt-get install git
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "No version supplied"
latest=$(curl --silent "" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
echo "Will download $latest"
echo "Supplied version $VERSION"
rm -rf "$dest"
git clone "$dest"
cd "$dest" || exit
git fetch
git checkout "$VERSION"
git pull
chown -R "$(logname)" "$dest"
chmod +x
Using git directly and not manually downloading releases enables easy updating then. To start install you can just sudo ./ 3.0.0
as 3.0.0 is not released and is not the "latest" on github
Thanks ! I will try with Buster
All is installed correctly !
But i have new issue with the connection to mqtt server, in service log. there is:
[CRITICAL] - Couldn't connect to mqtt, aborting
I my Rhasspy i have configured external mqtt server with the ip and port of my brocker.
I don't know with i ahve this error ...
The only thing I know is that rhasspy doesn't use the default mqtt port or something like that. Try to start HLC specifying the broker and port manually
What is the command to specifying the broker and port ?
or config file tu put them ?
Ok I have add the port in my file profile.json of rhasspy
Service seems started correctly
Thanks for your help !
Resolved by réinstalling Buster version of Raspberry pi os
Don't not work on last "Bullseye" version