
[BUG] Inconsistent State of mDevices Array on Error Return in Bridge Example

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Issue Summary: Inconsistent State of mDevices Array on Error Return
In the current implementation of the DeviceManager::AddDeviceEndpoint function, there is a potential issue where the mDevices array can be left in an inconsistent state when errors occur. Specifically, when the function encounters an error and returns -1, it does not reset the mDevices[index] element back to nullptr. This can lead to the array containing invalid pointers, which can cause undefined behavior in subsequent operations.

Affected Function

The function iterates through mDevices array to find an available slot (i.e., where mDevices[index] is nullptr).
Upon finding an available slot, it attempts to add a device endpoint.
If an error occurs (other than CHIP_ERROR_ENDPOINT_EXISTS), the function returns -1 but does not reset mDevices[index] to nullptr.
If all retries are exhausted or no endpoints are available, the function similarly returns -1 without resetting mDevices[index] to nullptr.
Proposed Fix
Modify the DeviceManager::AddDeviceEndpoint function to ensure mDevices[index] is set back to nullptr in all cases where the function returns -1 due to an error. This ensures the mDevices array remains consistent and does not contain invalid pointers.

Bug prevalence

1-2 times week

GitHub hash of the SDK that was being used




Platform Version(s)

No response

Anything else?

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