
Guest physical address space limited to 36 bits

prekageo opened this issue · 4 comments

According to commit eb2568b, Dune was modified and it currently supports only 36 bits of guest physical address space. That is 64 GB. My processor (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2665 0 @ 2.40GHz) supports 46 bits for physical addresses. Is there any reason for this limitation? As a consequence, we can not run IX with your version of Dune.

Take a look at issue #1. If we manage to fix this. I will revert the changes. Also, I tested the IX echo server with this version of Dune and it seemed to be working.

I've tested IX with this Dune and it crashes. Do you have more information about how did you test IX?

You are right. I probably did not compile when testing or misconfigured something. Let's continue this discussion at #1.

Closing the issue since it is a duplicate from #1