
Prune orders might be compute inefficient

Henry-E opened this issue · 0 comments

In the prune orders function, there's a remove all function that iterates over both the bid and ask queues to find orders owned by a particular open orders account. The issue with this is that if you have an orderbook with a lot of orders the function can run out compute units. While the solution to this in the function is to lower the limit parameter, I was wondering about the design of the function. Is there a reason why it's necessary to iterate over the bid and ask queues to get the order ids when the open orders account already stores the order ids?

// Removes all orders belonging to the given open orders account.
pub fn remove_all(
&mut self,
open_orders: [u64; 4],
mut limit: u16,
) -> DexResult<(Vec<LeafNode>, Vec<LeafNode>)> {
let asks_matching_open_orders = self
.find_by(&mut limit, |order| order.owner().eq(&open_orders));
let bids_matching_open_orders = self
.find_by(&mut limit, |order| order.owner().eq(&open_orders));
let bids_removed: Vec<LeafNode> = bids_matching_open_orders
.filter_map(|order_to_remove| self.bids.remove_by_key(*order_to_remove))
let asks_removed: Vec<LeafNode> = asks_matching_open_orders
.filter_map(|order_to_remove| self.asks.remove_by_key(*order_to_remove))
Ok((bids_removed, asks_removed))

vs. how just passing the order id to remove the leaf node, like in the cancel order function?
pub(crate) fn cancel_order_v2(
&mut self,
side: Side,
open_orders_address: [u64; 4],
open_orders: &mut OpenOrders,
order_id: u128,
event_q: &mut EventQueue,
) -> DexResult {
let leaf_node = self