
run_scripting cmd can't mute the pinger effectively

Closed this issue · 4 comments

When we run the routine script, we should generically mute the pinger on the esr for the next one hour via something like:

- action: cmd
    - endpoint: pinger
      method_name: silence_ping
      value: [datetime.datetime.utcnow()+datetime.timedelta(0,3600)).strftime(constants.TIME_FORMAT)]
      timeout: 100

Fixing this is a two part-issue:

  • run_scripting's action_cmd doesn't try asteval logic, so this would fail.
    • asteval string processing should probably be generically implemented as a separate method, rather than specifically implemented separately in action_set, etc.
  • asteval explicitly blocks import and doesn't import datetime, so the generic asteval can't accomplish this anyway
    • we could fork our own version of asteval to add the datetime functions

The second point is solved by adding datetime to the asteval Interpretor's symtable

For point 1, it should probably be a different function, not just a method. The calibration decorator should also use it.

and for point 2, the solution Ben demonstrated interactively is:

In [1]: import asteval

In [2]: i = asteval.Interpreter()

In [3]: import datetime

In [4]: i.symtable['datetime'] = datetime

In [5]: i("")
Out[5]: datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 7, 18, 26, 47, 440703)

In [6]: i("(datetime.datetime.utcnow()+datetime.timedelta(1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')")
Out[6]: '2017-12-08T18:27:40Z'

Specific problem fixed in v1.9.4, a generic implementation of astral should be discussed in a separate issue.