
Toxic filenames.

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Jason Fletcher file names are plainly toxic (from linux POV), this package is slightly better, I was able to move or delete files with no further hassle.

I recommend You take a look at detox it might be simpler to maintain it and make it more crossplatform, I can share my detox settings if needed.

Thanks for sharing how to further scrub problematic filenames from this collection. I spent 7 months working on this collection and then launched it in 2020, so I've since moved onto other projects.

For posterity, yes please share your Detox settings. Or feel free to fork this repo and share your changes.

Cool, feel free to open a PR with the fixed filenames

I am not a real coder and quite git illiterate, for now I choose option

For posterity, yes please share your Detox settings

Being a long time linux user I start to contribute as of now, will try to send You PR in the feature,
For now I made
It's like it's 1999 but it works and won't nuke people file systems (I hope), and gives a clue how to set detox the proper way (/etc/detox and /user/share/detox)
Here is list of files that You can get with it cotc-apocal_file-list-from-creamofthecrop_20200216.txt