
add ability to start a multi-node cluster

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Would be nice have the ability to start an ADB/CDk cluster (eg: one master and one/or more nodes).
Just create a new vm definition on Vagrantfile using a parameter indicating that vm instance is a node (not a master).

Looking inside the vagrant box vm I've found this script: /opt/adb/openshift/openshift which is used to bootstrap/setup the Openshift inside ADB/CDK.

I believe applying some changes to this script is sufficient to decide if it will be an all-in-one, a master or justa node.

I could not identify where this script come from. I did not find it on this repo.

Thanks @LalatenduMohanty, @praveenkumar !
Do you think this issue should be moved to adb-utils project repo?

@rafaeltuelho Yes, It should. You can move it if you are planning to send a PR.