
Support for markdown format in telegram

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Telegram has added support for markdown v2
maybe you can add support for this option in the settings file

thank you

I found who do that...
I add some code to the file "pkg\providers\telegram\telegram.go"

After line 22

 TelegramParseMode string `yaml:"telegram_parsemode,omitempty"`

And on line 42

url := fmt.Sprintf("telegram://%s@telegram?channels=%s&parsemode=%s", pr.TelegramAPIKey, pr.TelegramChatID, pr.TelegramParseMode)

on config file I add the property

telegram_parsemode: MarkdownV2

now it is support the parse mode : None, Markdown, HTML, MarkdownV2

Thank you

@zachi40 this is now supported with the latest release -

    telegram_parsemode: "Markdown"