
Adding selected multiple urls support :)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

any chance to let nuclei burp plugin support multiple urls selected e.g. from burp history I selected multiple urls so instead of generate template it will run nuclei directly by using my specific templates dir and the list file will be the selected urls

Hello @0xAwali,

The plugin only covers template generation currently. I've added the option for generating a template using multiple requests (covered in: #9 and will be released under v1.1.0 - although it's already available for early adaptors in v1.1.0-beta)

Adding various scanning support will be considered for v1.2.0.

Hey @forgedhallpass ,
I can see scanning in already supported via the nuclei plugin for burp but the main drawback is that it only supports a single URL at a time, as the OP stated it will be great if we can have multi URL support as we have in CLI.

Thanks and Regards,