
Windows 10 crash on login

Onefox opened this issue · 5 comments

choco install armclient

when i try armclient login the login window opens but the armclient.exe finds an exeption and windows closes the process...

armclient spn is working as expected.

Is there a log file that gets generated that i can provide you?

It works for me. I'm thinking it could be some browser related issue.

Note that for quick testing ARM command, you can also use, which takes care of the login part.

I have the newest chrome as a default browser, the Microsoft login window is working on other applications like visual studio for example.

Since the application is throwing an exception could it be that there is some error handling missing, or are errors written to a log file somewhere?

I think this always uses IE to pop up the auth window. Right @suwatch?

It is the IE (AAD library launching it).

@Onefox ARMClient (console application) should spew out the error on the console (see this try/catch). Try setting env ARMCLIENT_VERBOSE=1 to see more verbose error. Also try if repro-able on a different computer.

mmmh somehow after i used the spn login now the armclient login is working...
Sadly i was not able to see any errors, there were nothing in the console. The last time it crashed.