
Hey guys.. how do I use this? :)

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README says "PHP Manager is an Azure Websites Site Extension that allows users to manage their PHP settings." but gives no indication os where that management happens.

See for an intro on how to install site extensions into an Azure Website. PHPManager is one of the extensions on the gallery (here).

@davidebbo I understand how to install the extension, and what the gallery is. My question is that I have added the extension, but I'm not sure what benefits/functionality it (PHPManager) is supposed to give me?

Ok, so to make sure I understand, you are successfully able to run the extension, but you need more details about what it does?

If by 'run the extension', you mean install it via the azure portal (, then yes, we have that part down.

No, I mean install it, and then actually run it. :) i.e. click the browse button for that extension.

Aaaaah.. there it is.. the 'browse' button. I got it now. Thanks your explanation/detail.

That might be a sign that our UI is not very discoverable :(

I think simply describing (in the readme and adding to the description: ) how to get to that browse button in the portal would be helpful.

I updated the readme.
