
Add better status info during deployment

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Here's some feedback from some users:

after deployment start, seems the info shown on web page is not enough, just say like the following:

Submitting Deployment
Deployment Started
Updating Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
Updating Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
Updating Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
Updating Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
Updating Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines
Updating Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 
Deployment Complete

It is better to show more progress info, just like azure powershell verbose when deploy by azure powershell

I don't recall PowerShell showing more than that, unless you pass debug which displays far too much (details of all HTTP requests/responses).

Here is a sample of what I get in PowerShell:

VERBOSE: 2:12:29 PM - Created resource group 'DeployDemo' in location 'southcentralus'
VERBOSE: 2:12:30 PM - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 2:12:31 PM - Create template deployment 'WebAppDeployment'.
VERBOSE: 2:12:36 PM - Resource Microsoft.Web/serverfarms 'DeployDemo' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 2:12:40 PM - Resource Microsoft.Web/sites 'DeployDemo777' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 2:12:43 PM - Resource Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/config 'DeployDemo777/Staging/web' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 2:12:43 PM - Resource Microsoft.Web/sites/slots 'DeployDemo777/Staging' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 2:12:43 PM - Resource Microsoft.Web/sites/config 'DeployDemo777/slotconfignames' provisioning status is succeeded
VERBOSE: 2:13:07 PM - Resource Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/sourcecontrols 'DeployDemo777/Staging/web' provisioning status is succeeded

Other than adding the time and that each step succeeds, it's the same. So not convinced we need to do anything more here.