
Niara, thirty bees default theme since v1.1.0.

Primary LanguageSmarty

Mobile Responsive Community Theme by

thirty bees logo

Powered By

HTML5CSS3Javascriptjson+ldLevel Triple-A conformance, W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0W3C Semantic Web jQuery Smarty Template Engine Twitter Bootstrap 3.0


This mobile responsive community theme runs on thirty bees shopping cart. Read the main software requirements for this shopping cart.


This theme works as-is on thirty bees, all built files are committed to the repository.

CSS files shouldn't get edited directly, but their Sass counterpart in sass/ instead. After doing so, CSS gets compiled from that. For contributions, please create commits including both, source file changes together with their build results.

Setting up the build environment

npm install

Building CSS from Sass

npm run compile-css

Linting JavaScript

npm run lint-js
