
github light high contrast: Floating window has same color as background

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Using nvim v0.9.5, github-nvim-theme d832925 with lazy.nvim package manager.

It looks like Normal and NormalFloat have the same background color, and this means that things like hover floaters (using NormalFloat) wash out against the background. github light default does not have this problem.

Both light/dark high contrast themes have this same issue.

Thanks for reporting this. You are right, and this only affects github_light_high_contrast and github_dark_high_contrast.

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 1 19 10 PM

"canvas": {
"default": "#ffffff",
"overlay": "#ffffff",
"inset": "#ffffff",
"subtle": "#e7ecf0"

"canvas": {
"default": "#0a0c10",
"overlay": "#272b33",
"inset": "#010409",
"subtle": "#272b33"

canvas.default is used for spec.bg1 (global bg), and canvas.inset is used for spec.bg0 (darkened bg)

We might need manual/custom overrides for these two themes (for spec.bg0). In the meantime, you can configure spec.bg0 via setup() locally.