
Install and configure the Gigaspaces XAP platform. Pre alpha untested code, will most likely burn your shit.

Primary LanguagePuppet



I am still very much working on this, it is fairly untested, probably broken and some sort of pre alpha stage.

Be aware.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What is the gigaspaces module
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with gigaspaces
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The Gigaspaces module allows you manage the Gigaspaces XAP agent and management nodes.

Module Description

Gigaspaces XAP is a in-memory computing platform for the JVM, this module will install, configure and if you wish, enable the service.


What gigaspaces affects

  • service and environment files (created and written to).
  • package

Setup Requirements

It is expected that the Gigaspaces zip files is distributed through the Puppet masters file server, in the files subdirectory to this module.

Beginning with gigaspaces

To install Gigaspaces XAP agent and start the service

	class { 'gigaspaces':
		license_key     => 'YOURLICENSEKEY',
		lookup_groups   => [ 'LG1', 'LG2' ],
		lookup_locators => [ 'LUS1', 'LUS2' ]

To install Gigaspaces XAP management agent and start the service

	class { 'gigaspaces':
		license_key        => 'YOURLICENSEKEY',
		management_machine => true,


All configuration should be done through the main gigaspaces class with parameters, see gigaspaces::params for default values.



The modules is currently only tested on EL6.


Fork and create a feature branch, remember to add tests if you change how the module behaves.