No snapshots available options on version 1.7.0
cello86 opened this issue · 1 comments
cello86 commented
Hi All,
we installed elsaticsearch prometheus exporter version 1.7.0 on a centos container and we found on that the option --es.snapshots is available from version 1.0.4rc1 but isn't present into latest version.
[root@88628e010e29 /]# /usr/local/elasticsearch_exporter/elasticsearch_exporter --version
elasticsearch_exporter, version 1.7.0 (branch: HEAD, revision: d24c8349fe86bab416e614c838175fb31fcd1063)
build user: root@cee1ef4dd5fb
build date: 20231221-19:23:52
go version: go1.21.5
platform: linux/amd64
tags: unknown
This is the help command output and error if we tried to use the option present into the documentation:
[root@88628e010e29 /]# /usr/local/elasticsearch_exporter/elasticsearch_exporter --help
usage: elasticsearch_exporter [<flags>]
-h, --[no-]help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
Enable the cluster-info collector (default: enabled).
Enable the clustersettings collector (default: disabled).
Enable the snapshots collector (default: disabled).
Path under which to expose metrics.
--[no-]web.systemd-socket Use systemd socket activation listeners instead of port listeners (Linux only).
--web.listen-address=:9114 ...
Addresses on which to expose metrics and web interface. Repeatable for multiple addresses.
--web.config.file="" [EXPERIMENTAL] Path to configuration file that can enable TLS or authentication. See:
HTTP API address of an Elasticsearch node.
--es.timeout=5s Timeout for trying to get stats from Elasticsearch.
--[no-]es.all Export stats for all nodes in the cluster. If used, this flag will override the flag es.node.
--es.node="_local" Node's name of which metrics should be exposed.
--[no-]es.indices Export stats for indices in the cluster.
Export stats for settings of all indices of the cluster.
Export stats for mappings of all indices of the cluster.
--[no-]es.aliases Export informational alias metrics.
--[no-]es.ilm Export index lifecycle politics for indices in the cluster.
--[no-]es.shards Export stats for shards in the cluster (implies --es.indices).
--[no-]es.slm Export stats for SLM snapshots.
--[no-]es.data_stream Export stas for Data Streams.
Cluster info update interval for the cluster label"" Path to PEM file that contains trusted Certificate Authorities for the Elasticsearch connection.
Path to PEM file that contains the private key for client auth when connecting to Elasticsearch.
--es.client-cert="" Path to PEM file that contains the corresponding cert for the private key to connect to Elasticsearch.
--[no-]es.ssl-skip-verify Skip SSL verification when connecting to Elasticsearch.
--log.level="info" Sets the loglevel. Valid levels are debug, info, warn, error
--log.format="logfmt" Sets the log format. Valid formats are json and logfmt
--log.output="stdout" Sets the log output. Valid outputs are stdout and stderr
--aws.region="" Region for AWS elasticsearch
--aws.role-arn="" Role ARN of an IAM role to assume.
--[no-]version Show application version.
[root@88628e010e29 /]# /usr/local/elasticsearch_exporter/elasticsearch_exporter --es.snapshots
elasticsearch_exporter: error: unknown long flag '--es.snapshots', try --help
Could you confirm if this options still be available?