
Documentation bug?

misterbaldi opened this issue · 3 comments

maybe i do something wrong or maybe a documentation bug:
my config in prometheus.yml

  • job_name: ipmi
    module: default
    scrape_interval: 1m
    scrape_timeout: 30s
    metrics_path: /ipmi
    scheme: http
    • files:
      • /data/prometheus/targets/targets_ipmi_exporter.yml
        refresh_interval: 5m
    • source_labels: [address]
      separator: ;
      regex: (.*)
      target_label: __param_target
      replacement: ${1}
      action: replace
    • source_labels: [__param_target]
      separator: ;
      regex: (.*)
      target_label: instance
      replacement: ${1}
      action: replace
    • separator: ;
      regex: .*
      target_label: address
      replacement: localhost:9290
      action: replace
  1. module: default -> shuld look like module: [default]?
    failed to reload config: couldn't load configuration (--config.file="/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml"): parsing YAML file /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml: yaml: unmarshal errors:
    line 38: cannot unmarshal !!str default into []string

  2. config from
    sysadmin@prometheus01:bin$ sudo ./ipmi_exporter --config.file=/etc/prometheus/ipmi_exporter.yml
    INFO[0000] Starting ipmi_exporter source="main.go:83"
    FATA[0000] Error parsing config file: unknown fields in modules: workaround_flags source="main.go:87"

Is it possible that you are running the 1.0 release? The workaround_flags are only on the current master branch, they are not in a released version yet.


Faced same issue.

Had to use:

- job_name: ipmi
    module: [default]
  scrape_interval: 1m

For the first issue.
I commented the workaround_flags to solve second issue, as I am using version 1.0.0.

Many thanks for this nice exporter by the way ;-)

Best regards


Hey everyone,
I released version 1.1.0 today, mostly to avoid exactly this confusion about a mismatch of the documentation to the latest release. Please upgrade at your earliest convenience, not much else has changed so you should not run into any problems. I am closing this, but feel free to reopen if anything is still wrong.