
customfield generated out of template does not gets interpreted as an array

holger-waschke opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a customfield 23210. If I pass is statically as an array [{'key':'PSK-713555'},{'key':'PSK-953155'}] it works just fine, if i pass it trough the template the output is exactly the same but it doesnt get passed as an array

  - name: mon_alarm
    project: MON
    add_group_labels: false
    issue_type: Alarm
      customfield_23210: '{{ template "jira.psk" . }}'
      #customfield_23210: [{'key':'PSK-713555'},{'key':'PSK-953155'}]

template definition:
{{ define "jira.psk" -}}{{ with index .Alerts 0 -}}{{- $elements := split .Labels.insight_psk "," -}}[{{- range $index, $element := $elements -}}{{ if $index }},{{ end }}{'key':'{{ $element }}'}{{ end -}}]{{ end -}}{{ end -}}

log output:

Jun 05 21:18:14 jiralert[19840]: level=debug ts=2023-06-05T19:18:14.04358488Z caller=template.go:75 msg="executing template" template="{{ template \"jira.psk\" . }}"
Jun 05 21:18:14 jiralert[19840]: level=debug ts=2023-06-05T19:18:14.043612402Z caller=template.go:96 msg="template output" output=[{'key':'PSK-713555'},{'key':'PSK-953155'}]

Error from Jira:
Jun 05 19:24:16 jiralert[7224]: level=error ts=2023-06-05T17:24:16.717689448Z caller=main.go:180 msg="error handling request" statusCode=400 statusText="Bad Request" err="JIRA request returned status 400 Bad Request, error \"request failed. Please analyze the request body for more details. Status code: 400\", body \"{\\\"errorMessages\\\":[],\\\"errors\\\":{\\\"customfield_23210\\\":\\\"data was not an array\\\"}}\"" receiver=mon_alarm groupLabels="unsupported value type"

what i noticed is a slightly different process mode, I guess in the function "deepCopyWithTemplate" it doesn´t get interpreted as an array from the reflect library

this is from the log output if it works
Unknowns:map[customfield_23210:[map[key:PSK-713555] map[key:PSK-953155]]]}"
and this is from the template which doesnt work

I also need this functionality, but as far as I understand, this is a limitation of the text template that returns a non-alternative string object that is substituted after YML serialization.