Config option miissing on wiki page "PVE Exporter on Proxmox VE Node in a venv"
Ryan-DL opened this issue · 1 comments
Ryan-DL commented
In the process of setting this up for myself, I think I noticed an issue on the wiki.
On the systemd script, we seem to be missing the --config.file
, leading to the service failing to start.
This line:
ExecStart=/opt/prometheus-pve-exporter/bin/pve_exporter /etc/prometheus/pve.yml
should be changed to:
ExecStart=/opt/prometheus-pve-exporter/bin/pve_exporter --config.file /etc/prometheus/pve.yml
I would happily PR this but it seems GitHub doesn't support pull requests on Wiki documents.
znerol commented
Thanks for the report, fixed it.