
Recent Probes List - add timestamp or log id as label and column for better identification

Nachtfalkeaw opened this issue · 0 comments

blackbox_exporter version: output of blackbox_exporter --version

blackbox_exporter, version 0.24.0 (branch: HEAD, revision: 0b04674)
build user: root@e5bbfcc8184e
build date: 20230516-11:07:25
go version: go1.20.4
platform: linux/amd64
tags: netgo

On the blackbox_exporter page you can see the last "Recent probes (
Unfortunately there is no timestamp to all these entries. I added "--history.limit=10000" to get all Probe results from several hours back because I encounter sporadic problems with some targets I try to connect and I want to understand what happended.

However without a timestamp it is very hard to find the correct log I need to look at.

Feature request:
a) Is it possible to a a timestamp to the "recent probes" list to make identification easier
b) Add a label which contains the ID of the log file like "id=316439" and add the id in a column of the "Recent Probes" list.