
[metrics]: ECS average CpuUtilized reporting sum numbers instead of average

deggja opened this issue · 2 comments

Context information

Exporter configuration
 region: eu-north-1
    role_arn: redacted
    # ECS
    - aws_namespace: ECS/ContainerInsights
      aws_metric_name:  CpuUtilized
      aws_dimensions: [ClusterName, ServiceName]
      aws_statistics: [Average]
    - aws_namespace: ECS/ContainerInsights
      aws_metric_name:  MemoryUtilized
      aws_dimensions: [ClusterName, ServiceName]
      aws_statistics: [Average] 

Exporter logs
No logs when starting the exporter with this flag

What do you expect to happen?

I expect to see values between 0-100 as this metric is supposed to get the average value for cpu usage in percent.

What happened instead?

The exporter seems to be pulling the aws_statistic for [Sum] instead of [Average]. Even though the exporter is reporting using the Average statistic, the numbers I'm seeing match the Sum statistic in AWS console.

I have not used this exporter a whole lot, but it seems to work fine on other metrics. Any pointers in the right direction highly appreciated!


Interesting and odd! 😄 No idea what's going on here, if anyone knows, please do tell!

deggja commented

Hey @matthiasr,

I've updated my manifests using the latest version of the exporter and the numbers are adding up. As far as I can see, this bug is no longer present.

Thanks 🚀