
ConsumedLCUs is not being picked up by Prometheus Cloidwatch Exporter running inside a pod

mgk-123 opened this issue · 2 comments

Context information

  • AWS service: AWS Application Load Balancer
  • CloudWatch namespace: AWS/ApplicationELB
  • Link to metrics documentation for this service:
  • AWS region of the exporter:All Regions
  • AWS region of the service: All Regions
   aws_namespace: AWS/ApplicationELB
    aws_metric_name: ConsumedLCUs
    aws_statistics: Sum

Exporter logs

What do you expect to happen?

Consumed LCU metric should be emitted by pod even when it it available in cloudwatch metrics console.Rest all metrics are available

What happened instead?

Consumed LCU metric is not being emitted by pod when it it available in cloudwatch metrics console.Rest all metrics are available

It takes 30min for the metrics to appear try:

    - aws_namespace: AWS/ApplicationELB
      # yes, ALBs take 30min to report this metrics!
      delay_seconds: 1800
      aws_metric_name: ConsumedLCUs
      aws_dimensions: [LoadBalancer]
      aws_statistics: [Sum]

@mindw awesome, thank you for the hint! Could you submit a PR to update the example config?