Report Flink-metric on yarn-session mode error with the same name and label values
IcerBean opened this issue · 5 comments
start flink on yarn-session
exec -nm flow-session -D metrics.reporter.grph.prefix="flink.flow-session" -D"-Djob_name=flow-session" -d
And next run 3 flink streaming job in the session then get errors
`* collected metric "flink_jobmanager_numberOfInProgressCheckpoints" { label:<name:"host" value:"10-10-29-124" > label:<name:"job_name" value:"flow-session" > gauge:<
value:0 > } was collected before with the same name and label values
- collected metric "flink_jobmanager_downtime" { label:<name:"host" value:"10-10-29-124" > label:<name:"job_name" value:"flow-session" > gauge:<value:0 > } was colle
cted before with the same name and label values - collected metric "flink_jobmanager_fullRestarts" { label:<name:"host" value:"10-10-29-124" > label:<name:"job_name" value:"flow-session" > gauge:<value:0 > } was c
ollected before with the same name and label values`
shoud I start a Issues to Flink or here
result is graphite_exporter crash 7~7
Here is right. Could you run the exporter with --log.level=debug
and see what the incoming metric names are? It seems that with the default mapping, there is a collision somehow, this should not happen
With "crash" do you mean a panic? Can you post the stack trace for that?
nohup /data/apps/lib/graphite_exporter/graphite_exporter --web.listen-address :9108 --graphite.listen-address :9109 --graphite.mapping-config /data/apps/lib/graphite_exporter/mapping.yml --log.level=debug >> ./exporter.log 2>&1 &
Can all log include conflict log go into exporter.log?
Ah, you did not mention before that you are using a custom mapping. It is possible that the error you see comes from mapping multiple Graphite metric names to one Prometheus name.
The debug log will contain a record of every (Graphite) metric received. Working backwards from the metrics reported in the error, consult your mapping for every possible Graphite metric that results in this metric name. I cannot do this for you without seeing your mappings and what the exporter is receiving.