Building from source requires `gnu-tar` on macOS
FlorianLoch opened this issue · 0 comments
FlorianLoch commented
Creating the npm-licenses.tar.bz2
makes use of the --transform
flag, which bsdtar
being shipped with macOS does not support.
find $(REACT_APP_NODE_MODULES_PATH) -iname "license*" | tar cfj $(REACT_APP_NPM_LICENSES_TARBALL) --transform 's/^/npm_licenses\//' --files-from=-
It's neat - but is it actually necessary? 🤔
Of course, can be mitigated by installing gnu-tar
and preferring it in the path. Perhaps, if the transform is actually necessary, this could be added as build requirement?
I know, it says non-exhaustive list
- but my hope would be to find a way around it