
Ractive.Promise pass all tests, but behaves incorrectly.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Ractive.Promise promises implementation pass all tests, but fails to convert exceptions to rejections. Here is the test code:

var promisesAplusTests = require("promises-aplus-tests");
var Promise = require('ractive').Promise;
//var Promise = require('promise');
//var Promise = require('q').Promise;   // get stuck at tests
//var Promise = require('when').Promise;

var adapter = {
    resolved: Promise.resolve,
    rejected: Promise.reject,
    deferred: function() {
        var res, rej;
        var p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            res = resolve;
            rej = reject;
        return {
            promise: p,
            resolve: res,
            reject: rej

var throw_test = function () {
    var p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        throw new Error('Bad happens');
    return p;

if(0) promisesAplusTests(adapter, function (err) {
    if(err) console.log('Errors:', err);

if(1) throw_test().then(undefined, function (err) {
    console.log('Error in promise:', err);

Other three implementations (commented-out in code above) reject the promise, which I believe is correct.

So, should Ractive.Promise fail compliance test?

@svbatalov Technically, there is no Promises/A+ specification for the Promise constructor. These tests are designed only to test then()'s compliance with So, even though the test suite does require some way of creating promises in order to test then, I think this particular case is outside the scope of the tests. IOW, since your implementation passes the tests, it is Promises/A+ compliant :)

In practice, as you observed, most libraries that implement a Promise constructor do catch those exceptions and reject the newly constructed promise. The ES6 Promise spec requires that as well. So I'd def say, though, that adding a try/catch and rejecting would be the way to go.


Thanks a lot for the clarification @briancavalier - we've fixed it

@Rich-Harris Cool, and no problem at all.