
Notify assignee when todo deadline is expired feature

mikemix opened this issue · 5 comments

@prolic / @codeliner What's the requirement for this feature?

Am I supposed to subscribe to the event when the todo is marked as expired and notify the assignee about the fact?

@mikemix Exactly. Additionally you need to trigger this event, measure timeout with amqp or a cronjob

What event am I supposed to trigger? Though just adding a subscriber when the MarkTodoAsExpired command is dispatched would be enough.

The MarkTodoAsExpired command is not dispatched! Therefore we need a cronjob or amqp to check expired todos and send the command.

Ah sorry, the script for detecting expired todos is already there ( Sorry!

So you only need to attach a listener to TodoWasMarkedAsExpired and send an email to the user.

Added with #84

We should keep the issue open until it is merged to master.