
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Check genome updates

Search in a database if your genome code protein at it several ORFs

Table of contents


You must have python 3.0 installed

Description of the actual files :

The different database add new sequence all the time, and do you know if proteins discover coded by several ORF are You can run the script routinly

Warnings :

The target for exctract the sequence of the ORF in GFF3 file is the product=ORFX where X is the number of ORF, you must check if this is write like this

Usage :

Ou lancer la commande

  • Crée un dossier correspondant au nom du génome utilisé
  • appelé le script la ou le dossier a été créé

Comment lancer la commande

On your terminal

python3 ~/PATH/check_updates.py -g ~/genomeFastaSequence.fasta -a ~/genomeGFF3Sequence.gff3 -o outputFile -n 4
  • v -> Version du programme
  • PATH -> is where did you put the file check_updates.py
  • genomeFastaSequence.fasta -> is where you put the sequence of your genome in your computer, don't forget to write the path to this genome
  • genomeGFF3Sequence.gff3 -> is the path and the name of the gff3 file of your genome
  • Le nombre d'ORF connue dans la littérature