
Cannot save/fetch Ñ from ORACLE TABLE

redabieradev opened this issue · 1 comments

Im working on a new project.

It is docker-ized inside ubuntu server

Im using Propel ORM and PHP
Screenshot 2022-04-18 131134

but everytime I save, the saved data in ORACLE table is '¿¿¿¿¿¿'

Can anyone help me please? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

Most likely, this is a problem with your Oracle setup. Have a look at

Make sure that the character encoding of your database is set correctly:

select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';

Depending on your requirements, this probably should give you AL32UTF8 for Oracle UTF8 or AL16UTF16 for Oracle UTF16.

In the Propel documentation, they set a utf-8 parameter in the config:

        adapter: oracle
          charset: UTF8

But I am not sure if this works with Oracle (looks like settings-charset triggers a SET NAME query, and I don't think that does much in Oracle).

According to, you can add the charset parameter to your connection string, try AL32UTF8 instead of UTF8.
Alternatively, you could try to set a server default for NLS_LANG (see

Let me know if any of those work