
Create ScrapedPage object

jeremybmerrill opened this issue · 1 comments

Which is what would be yielded out of Scraper#scrape instead of the HTML, the URL, and instance page's index, etc.

This ScrapedPage object -- which might inherit from Nokogiri::HTML -- would contain the raw HTML, the parsed HTML, the URL, the index page from which the instance page was linked (if present), a reference to the index page's ScrapedPage object, and the instance page's index (i.e. ordinal count) of pages linked to from the index page.

This would be a breaking change, so is farther away from being implemented into stable Upton.

Implemented in future (for 1.0.0) in 31cbf41

Will be minimally breaking, since missing methods on Page are passed through to Nokogiri::HTML.

Maybe I should implement this even-less-breakingly in 0.4.0 by still passing the instance_index, instance_url, etc. attrs through to