
The Training Time Problem(Solved)

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The Training Time Problem(Solved)

Hello Bohan,

Thanks for your email.

According to the training time, you can try the following method.

  1. Use SSD to store the data,
  2. Use convert the N in to batch size B to speed up a bit of the training progress.
    def forward(self, inputTensor):
        B = inputTensor.shape[0] # batch size
        # N = inputTensor.shape[1]
        # C =
        (B,N,C,W,H) = inputTensor.shape
        # print(inputTensor.shape)
        # print(B,N,C,W,H)
        # B x G x N
        input_currentAgent = inputTensor.reshape(B*N,C,W,H).to(self.config.device)
        featureMap = self.ConvLayers(input_currentAgent).to(self.config.device)
        featureMapFlatten = featureMap.view(featureMap.size(0), -1).to(self.config.device)
        compressfeature = self.compressMLP(featureMapFlatten).to(self.config.device)
        extractFeatureMap_old = compressfeature.reshape(B,N,self.numFeatures2Share).to(self.config.device)
        extractFeatureMap = extractFeatureMap_old.permute([0,2,1]).to(self.config.device)
        # DCP
        for l in range(self.L):
            # \\ Graph filtering stage:
            # There is a 3*l below here, because we have three elements per
            # layer: graph filter, nonlinearity and pooling, so after each layer
            # we're actually adding elements to the (sequential) list.
            self.GFL[2 * l].addGSO(self.S) # add GSO for GraphFilter
        # B x F x N - > B x G x N,
        sharedFeature = self.GFL(extractFeatureMap)
        (_, num_G, _) = sharedFeature.shape
        sharedFeature_permute =sharedFeature.permute([0,2,1]).to(self.config.device)
        sharedFeature_stack = sharedFeature_permute.reshape(B*N,num_G)
        action_predict = self.actionsMLP(sharedFeature_stack)
        return action_predict 

Thanks very much!