
keep getting - AllReachGoal-False

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Getting AllReachGoal-False

Hi, I am a student who just begining to learn gnn, and I try to reproduce the results you get in the paper using the code you post on the repo, but I keep receiving the message: AllReachGoal-False, and it seems a little weird. I just want to ask is this normal? Or I have messed up some where that causing these errors. Really appreciate if you can answer me. My email is but if you answer me here I will also get the message. Thank you.

Nvm, I have found the error, it seems I never acturally load the right model.

Getting AllReachGoal-False

Hi, I am a student who just begining to learn gnn, and I try to reproduce the results you get in the paper using the code you post on the repo, but I keep receiving the message: AllReachGoal-False, and it seems a little weird. I just want to ask is this normal? Or I have messed up some where that causing these errors. Really appreciate if you can answer me. My email is but if you answer me here I will also get the message. Thank you.

Nvm, I have found the error, it seems I never acturally load the right model.

Hi,I have also encountered this problem. How did you solve it in the end?