
Cardinality restriction rule in Cellfie

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I am trying such that if Acceleration is given input, it would have only one unit from the given 5 units.
Below is the rule I wrote in Cellfie:
Class: @C*
SubClassOf: Id, hasUnits max 1 @d*
I got an error : "" @ " " @ " "

@johardi can correct me, but I don't think the type qualification is currently supported in cardinality restrictions.

CellFie doesn't support many rules so I sometime think that instead i code in JAVA script for the few things where Cellfie doesn't support.
Would that be the best way to avoid problem like this and many other issues that we face due to while importinf and defining relations between data in Cellfie ?

There are plans to extend Cellfie to support a larger subset of expressions - but there is not specific funding or a timeline for this work at the moment.

What specific features are you looking for?

For the above question I wrote the code :-
{Class: @d*
SubClassOf: @id}
Class @C*
SubClassOf: Class_Id, hasUnits some @d*
Class_Id hasUnits max 1 Id { Doing this manually in Protege }
Would this solve my Problem ?

For Cellfie Specific features : I was not able to create hierarchy for Data Properties and Object Properties while importing them from Excel, not able to use cardinality restrictions