
Handling OWLEntity creation in transformation rules

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User starts with a clean ontology.

Case 1:

Class: Patient

Expected: Cellfie creates a new OWL Class :Patient

Case 2:

Class: Patient
    SubClassOf: Person

Expected: Cellfie throws an error message saying class :Person is not defined in the ontology

Case 3:

Class: @A1
   SubClassOf: @B1

Expected: Cellfie creates 2 new OWL classes using the values in the spreadsheet. In a similar manner, Cellfie will create several new OWL classes when users use the "star" expression (i.e., @A* or @B*).

Case 4:

Class: @A*
   SubClassOf: hasPersonalHealthCare some Doctor

Expected: Cellfie throws an error message saying property :hasPersonalHealthCare is not defined in the ontology.

Case 5:
Users add :hasPersonalHealthCare property in the ontology.
Expected: Cellfie throws an error message saying class :Doctor is not defined in the ontology.