
Support rules that apply to multiple (disconnected) cell ranges

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At the moment a transformation rule applies to a cell range defined by startColumn, endColumn, startRow and endRow, which, if we take the examples values A, B, 1 and +, could be written for short as (A1:B+). Some spreadsheets contain similar information in different columns or rows, which do not form a coherent block. For example, it is easy to imagine a spreadsheet like this representing the growth chart of school children:

  A  |    B    |   C   |    D    |   E   |    F    |   G   |    H    |   I   |
name | height1 |  age1 | height2 |  age2 | height3 |  age3 | height4 |  age4 |
Bob  |   110   |   5   |   113   |   6   |   115   |   7   |   119   |   8   | 
Caty |   111   |   6   |   113   |   7   |   114   |   8   |   117   |   9   |
Lisa |   108   |   5   |   109   |   6   |   111   |   7   |   112   |   8   |

The rules that involve the references to column B and C cells, would also apply to D and E, F and G, and H and I. So it would be nice to specify that a given rule does not only apply to cell range (B2:B+), but to (B2:B+),(D2:D+),(F2:F+),(H2:H+)