
Installation/use documentation?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The repo is missing directions for how to install and utilize the protobom tool/library.

Thanks, @rnjudge! This would indeed be helpful.

To anyone reading this: PR welcome!

I took a crack at this. #107

@rnjudge, if you have a moment to spare, I'd be curious if this is helpful to you?

A little birdie told me Rose maaaaay be at the same conference @puerco is attending this week. ;)

@rnjudge is usually five SBOM steps ahead of me. As is @puerco :)

@veramine First of all, thank you so much for your PR. Second of all, your birdie has good intel. I saw @puerco today and will review this ASAP but just from a glance, it looks incredibly helpful!

I'm going to close this given the PR mentioned above merged. But if there are ways to improve the installation and usage documentation, please feel free to create a new issue, @rnjudge!