
error using laravel-webdav(NextCloud) with spatie/backup

aguilerajl opened this issue · 10 comments

I'm using spatie/laravel-backup to do backups to a Nextcloud drive (webdav)

'backups' => [
'driver' => 'webdav',
'baseUri' => '',
'userName' => 'user',
'password' => '******',
'pathPrefix' => '', // optional

The driver works fine. I can use laravel tinker and put or get any file.
But running "php artisan backup:run" produce an error BackupDestination.php(88):
"necessary data rewind wasn't possible"

    $handle = fopen($file, 'r+');

// this command catch an error  //

    if (is_resource($handle)) {

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance

Which version of spatie/laravel-backup are you running?

Hello, in my composer.json:
"spatie/laravel-backup": "^6.13",

Might this be related to #9?

For me (I reported #9) backup works fine. Using v6.14 of spatie/backup.
I only backup the DB (php artisan backup:run --only-db)

What does your backup config look like?
Here are the main changes I made (my webdav filesystem is called webdav, DB is sqlite):

        'name' => env('APP_NAME', 'laravel-backup') ." ". env('APP_ENV'),
            'databases' => [
                // 'mysql',
        'database_dump_compressor' => Spatie\DbDumper\Compressors\GzipCompressor::class,
            'disks' => [
                // 'local',

Hello, my backup config bellow.
I'm including backup/clean funcionalities and backup both folders and database.

'backup' => [
        'name' => env('APP_NAME', 'laravel-backup'),
        'source' => [
            'files' => [
                'include' => [
                'exclude' => [ ],
                'follow_links' => false,
                'ignore_unreadable_directories' => false,
            'databases' => [
        'database_dump_compressor' => null,
        'destination' => [
            'filename_prefix' => '',
            'disks' => [
                env('BACKUP_DRIVE', 'backups'),
        'temporary_directory' => storage_path('app/backup-temp'),
        'schedule' => [
            'clean_time' => env('CLEAN_TIME', 'backups'),
            'backup_time' => env('BACKUP_TIME', 'backups'),

And in the filesystem config, if I put the first driver work, and the second doesn't work,

'backups' => [
            'driver' => 'local',
            'root' => storage_path('backups'),
            'backups' => [
            'driver'     => 'webdav',
            'baseUri'    => '',
            'userName'   => 'userXXX',
            'password'   => '*******',
            'pathPrefix' => '', // optional

Referencing #9, with a slash at the end of the baseUri, all working except backup. There the results:


But, without slash at the end, nothing works. It is very rare that when doing a backup you get this output:


the backup has not been copied.

Hello, referencing #11, this is my new filesystem config, but i continue with the error

'backups' => [
'driver' => 'webdav',
'baseUri' => '',
'userName' => 'user',
'password' => '******',
'pathPrefix' => 'remote.php/dav/files/user/', 

And I updated

"spatie/laravel-backup": "^6.14",

could you try recreating the config file?
It looks quite different than the one I see on my system and in the documentation.
E.g. I don't see schedule as an option in the config file.

These are two entries (schedule) that I have created to facilitate backup planning.
I don't think they have related to the problem because backups work fine if I get a local driver.
Thanks for your help.
Good Sunday :)

Read the following module: ..\vendor\sabre\dav\lib\DAV\Client.php

And then, put the authentication/encoding you need
In my case:

'backups' => [
	'driver'     	=> 'webdav',
	'baseUri' 		=> '',
	'userName'   	=> 'userXXX',
	'password'   	=> '*******',
	'pathPrefix' 	=> 'remote.php/dav/files/userXXX/', 
	'authType'   	=>  1, //Basic authentication