
Incorrect job counting

Opened this issue · 2 comments

There is a bug based on #169

Code sample:

1 .. 2 | Foreach-Object {
  $_ | Start-RSJob {
     (10 * $_ + 1) .. (10 * $_ + 5) | Start-RSJob { $_ } | Wait-RSJob | Receive-RSJob
Get-RSJob | Receive-RSJob

Currently Receive-RSJob returned correct result, but Get-RSJob return only 2 jobs

I expect that Get-RSJob should return 12 jobs

proxb commented

@MVKozlov Is this one fixed with one of the previous PRs? I'm trying to play cleanup on old issues.

It seems this is not bug, but powershell-by-design feature.
$global:variable defined inside start-rsjob {} block (i.e. inside child runspace) do not correlate with $global:variable in main runspace.
It can be fixed by using synchronized hash, but I'm not sure if we should do this