
automated oidc authentication

camaeel opened this issue · 5 comments

Would be great to skip need for passing static tokens.

It is possible to obtain proxmox ticket + csrf token and use them to authentication. Would be great to have such possibility so OIDC can be used to obtain credentials.

Either proxmoxer could integrate with or something similar could be implemented in this lib.

All you should need to do to use a pre-generated ticket is to pass the ticket values as the password. This will refresh the ticket and CSRF token and will handle keeping these values refreshed during prolonged usage.

Can you confirm if passing the ticket as the password works for you?

I can confirm it works. Thanx @jhollowe for the tip!

If you have some time, adding how to generate the ticket via OIDC and passing it to proxmoxer would be great to add to the docs!

@jhollowe can you assign this ticket to me then?

@jhollowe Just created a MR here: proxmoxer/docs#6