
Recipes are code samples that help you create proxy solutions for a variety of scenarios.

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ProxyKit Recipes


Recipes are code samples that help you create proxy solutions for your needs. If you have any ideas for a recipe, or can spot any improvements to the ones below, please send a pull request! Recipes that stand test of time may be promoted to an out-of-the-box feature in a future version of ProxyKit.

Recipes are code samples that help you create proxy solutions for your needs. If you have any ideas for a recipe, or can spot any improvements to the ones below, please send a pull request! Recipes that stand test of time may be promoted to an out-of-the-box feature in a future version of ProxyKit.

1. Simple Forwarding

Forward request to a single upstream host.


2. Proxy Paths

Hosting multiple proxies on separate paths.


3. Claims Based Tenant Routing

Routing to a specific upstream host based on a TenantId claim for an authenticated user.


4. Authentication offloading with Identity Server

Using IdentityServer to handle authentication before forwarding to upstream host.


5. Weighted Round Robin Load Balancing

Weighted Round Robin load balancing to two upstream hosts.


6. In-memory Testing

Testing behaviour or your ASP.NET Core application by running two instances behind round robin proxy. Really useful if your application has eventually consistent aspects.


7. Customise Upstream Requests

Customise the upstream request by adding a header.


8. Customise Upstream Responses

Customise the upstream response by removing a header.


9. Consul Service Discovery

Service discovery for an upstream host using Consul.


10. Copy X-Forwarded Headers

Copies X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-PathBase headers from the incoming request. Typically only done when the proxy is in a chain of known proxies. Is it NOT recommended that you blindly accept these headers from the public Internet.


11. Caching Upstream Responses with CacheCow

Using CacheCow.Client to cache responses from upstream servers using standard HTTP caching headers.


12. Conditional Proxying

Using app.UseWhen() to conditionally forward the request based on asserting a value on HttpContext.


13. Client Certificate

Using a client certificate in requests to upstream hosts.


14. Source IP Blocking

Block requests from sources whose IP addresses is not allowed.


15. WebSockets

How to proxy WebSocket connections.


16. SignalR

Proxying for SignalR whose protocol requires both HTTP and WebSocket forwarding to upstream hosts.


17. SignalR with Path

Proxying for SignalR on a specific path.


18. Automatic Decompression

Automatic decompression of responses from upstream hosts allowing response body manipulation.
