
Person ids wrong gitlab

broeder-j opened this issue · 3 comments

codemetapy usually generates the wrong person urls.

like it creates

instead of

for gitlabs usually the name comes right after the main url. For github this is also the case.

Also sometime it fails to parse the person like for
it ends up with:

These generated URIs are freshly minted resources and served by codemeta-server itself, they are not meant to refer to gitlab/github and are not aware of it. I haven't implemented any automatic URI assignment for persons/organizations (there are plans for ORCID though (#30), as you know)

You can of course have URIs refer to gitlab users, but then you'd have to have the IDs assigned prior to harvesting already (like in codemeta.json or codemeta-harvest.json)

Ah ok. I was wondering where the motivation for that URI path came from.

codemetapy will only invent uris if you passed the --baseuri parameter by the way, otherwise you do get a temporary URI internally for a while, but it'll be stripped again upon serialisation, effectively yielding blank nodes.