PLDI 2018 Artifact

Marcel Taube's website This virtual machine contains the artifact for PLDI 2018 paper: "Modularity for Decidability: Implementing and Semi-Automatically Verifying Distributed Systems".

The virtual machine was created using VirtualBox version 5.2.6.

The VM should be logged on with the user name ivyuser and password ivy.

Most of the evaluation of the artifact is done from the terminal, which can be started by clicking on the terminal icon in the launcher (top left of the screen). To read (and modify) source files, any text editor can be used. The VM comes equipped with an Emacs mode for Ivy code (Emacs can be launched from the terminal or the launcher).

The rest of this file explains the artifact and how to exercise it.

Directory structure

~/z3/ contains a clone of Z3 from its master branch on github.

~/ivy/ contains a clone of Ivy from its master branch on github.

~/pldi18-artifact/ contains the artifact

~/pldi18-artifact/examples/raft/ contains Ivy source files for the verified Raft protocol implementation.

~/pldi18-artifact/examples/multi-paxos/ contains Ivy source files for the verified Multi-Paxos protocol implementation.

~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation/ contains unverified C++ and Python code that uses one of the verified protocols to create a distributed fault tolerant key-value store, as well as a client that exercises the server code. This directory also contains various scripts used for performance evaluation and explained later.

~/pldi18-artifact/ec2/ contains scripts that enable performance evaluation of the key-value store on Amazon AWS.

Verifying protocols with Ivy


Ivy files contain both code and proofs (e.g., pre and post conditions,inductive invariants), and are checked with the ivy_check command, which internally uses Z3 to discharge verification conditions. The Raft protocol implementation (and proof) are contained in the raft.ivy file. It can be verified with ith ivy_check by running the following commands in a terminal:

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~$ cd ~/pldi18-artifact/examples/raft/
ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/examples/raft$ time ivy_check raft.ivy # should take several minutes

You should expect this to take a few minutes (2-3 on my laptop). It will also print messages detailing the various verification conditions being checked (the verification is split into several isolates, which correspond to modules from the paper, and each isolate results in multiple verification conditions). Once ivy_check terminates and prints OK, you know that the file is verified.

You may wish to edit raft.ivy, for example by commenting out one of the conjectures that make up the inductive invariant, and see that ivy_check fails. If you run ivy_check diagnose=true raft.ivy, you can also obtain a graphical interface that allows you to examine a counterexample to induction (note that this interface is not part of the contribution of the PLDI 2018 paper).


The source code of the Multi-Paxos verified protocol is split into two files: multi_paxos_protocol.ivy contains the abstract protocol, and multi_paxos_system.ivy contains the concrete implementation (and uses the abstract protocol as ghost code for the correctness proof). To check the Multi-Paxos implementation with ivy_check, run the following commands in a terminal (this also checks the abstract protocol, which is used by the implementation):

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~$ cd ~/pldi18-artifact/examples/multi-paxos/
ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/examples/multi-paxos$ time ivy_check multi_paxos_system.ivy # should take several minutes

As before, the above commands will print details about the verification conditions being checked. ivy_check should take a few minutes (7 on my laptop). As before, once ivy_check prints OK you know that the protocol is verified. You can also edit the Ivy files to break the verification, and run ivy_check to see it report the errors, or run ivy_check diagnose=true to graphically examine counterexamples to induction.

Extracting verified C++ code

Ivy files can be compiled to C++, as explained in the paper. This is done using the ivy_to_cpp command.


To extract a verified implementation of the Raft protocol, run the following commands:

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~$ cd pldi18-artifact/examples/raft/
ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/examples/raft$ ivy_to_cpp isolate=test target=class raft.ivy

This should take a few seconds, and generate the files raft.cpp and raft.h, which contain a class raft with a verified implementation of the Raft protocol.


To extract a verified implementation of the Multi-Paxos protocol, run the following commands:

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~$ cd pldi18-artifact/examples/multi-paxos/
ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/examples/multi-paxos$ ivy_to_cpp isolate=iso_impl target=class multi_paxos_system.ivy

This should take a few seconds, and generate the files multi_paxos_system.cpp and multi_paxos_system.h, which contain a class multi_paxos_system with a verified implementation of the Multi-Paxos protocol.


The process described above results in a a C++ class that implements either Raft or Multi-Paxos. For evaluation purposes, we created a server that can use any of these classes to implement a fault tolerant distributed key-value store. This section explains how to build this server and exercise it locally using a Python client.

Building the server

To build the server using the verified Raft protocol, run:

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~$ cd ~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation/
ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation$ make raft

To build it using the verified Multi-Paxos protocol instead, run:

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation$ make multipaxos

Boh the make raft command and the make multipaxos command create a binary file called build/server. This allows the rest of the evaluation (and the scripts it uses) to be uniform, since it simply invokes build/server. Thus, the rest of the evaluation should be executed twice: once after running make raft to evaluate a key-value store that uses the verified Raft protocol, and once after running make multipaxos to verify a key-value store that uses the verified Multi-Paxos protocol.

In the rest of this section, all paths are relative to ~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation.

Running a cluster of servers

To run the distributed system locally, first build ./build/server using either make raft or make multipaxos as described above. Then, start the cluster of servers by running several instances of ./build/server with appropriate command line arguments. For your convenience, we have provided a script, ./scripts/, that will start a tmux session with multiple windows: one window for each node running a server, and one extra window for interacting with the cluster as a client (as explained next). The ./scripts/ script takes a command line argument with the number of servers in the cluster (with a default of 3).

If you want to set up the cluster manually, you can run several instances the ./build/server executable as in the following example (a complete list of command line arguments is given by ./build/server --help):

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation$ ./build/server --log --node-id 0 --client-port 8000 --cluster localhost:4990,localhost:4991,localhost:4992
ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation$ ./build/server --log --node-id 1 --client-port 8001 --cluster localhost:4990,localhost:4991,localhost:4992
ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation$ ./build/server --log --node-id 2 --client-port 8002 --cluster localhost:4990,localhost:4991,localhost:4992

These are exactly the commands run by ./scripts/ Each server process listens for client connections on the given client port, and talks to the servers at the given cluster addresses and ports. The --node-id option tells a server which element of cluster list contains its own address and port. The command ./scripts/ N starts N servers, where server i will use port 8000 + i to communicate with clients, and port 4990 + i to communicate with the other servers.

If you start a tmux session with ./scripts/, you should make sure to properly close it before attempting to start a new one. To do this, hit CTRL+D in the client window to close the shell, and then CTRL+C once per server window. Continue until the entire tmux session is terminated. This will be indicated by an [exited] message, back in your original shell where you ran ./scripts/ (which will now become visible again).

Runnign an interactive client

After you launch a cluster of servers, you can interact with the cluster by launching a client and sending put and get commands to the key-value store. For example, you can make simple queries by running python or ipython in the bench/ directory and using the provided Python API (note that keys and values are expected to be strings):

from vard import Client

cluster = [("localhost", 8000), ("localhost", 8001), ("localhost", 8002)]

leader_host, leader_port = Client.find_leader(cluster)
c = Client(leader_host, leader_port)

c.put("x", "7")
c.put("y", "10")
c.get("x") # returns "7"
c.get("y") # returns "10"
c.get("z") # returns None

Make sure to change the cluster variable above to match with the server cluster.

If you use IPython, you can use !kill <pid> to kill some of the servers, in order to exercise the fault tolerance of the system. Each server window starts with a line that includes its process id. For example, you can try the following:

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation$ ./scripts/ 5
# Inside the client window:
ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation$ cd bench/
ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation/bench$ ipython
In [1]: from vard import Client
In [2]: cluster = [("localhost", 8000), ("localhost", 8001), ("localhost", 8002), ("localhost", 8003), ("localhost", 8004)]
In [3]: leader_host, leader_port = Client.find_leader(cluster)
In [4]: c = Client(leader_host, leader_port)
In [5]: c.put("x", "7")
In [6]: c.put("y", "10")
In [7]: c.get("x") # returns "7"
In [8]: c.get("y") # returns "10"
In [9]: c.get("z") # returns None
In [10]: !kill 6757 # change 6757 to a process id from the window on the right
In [11]: c.get("x") # still returns '7'
In [12]: !kill 6762 # change 6762 to a process id from the window on the right
In [13]: c.get("x") # still returns '7'
In [14]: !kill 6748 # change 6748 to a process id from the window on the right
In [15]: c.get("x") # hangs, since too many servers have failed (no active quorum)

When killing servers, you may note that if you kill the leader, the next client request will result in an ReceiveError exception. To recover, simply create a new client session by repeating the commands:

leader_host, leader_port = Client.find_leader(cluster)
c = Client(leader_host, leader_port)

The Client object represents a connection to a specific leader (the client communicates only with the leader, and the leader uses Raft or Multi-Paxos to communicate requests to other nodes and reach agreement). In a realistic application, this sort of communication failure would be caught and handled by automatically running the find_leader method again, and establishing a new client connection.

Note that if you try to find a new leader while the leader-election protocol has not terminated, you will receive an error. Simply try again a few seconds later. Also note that restarting a failed server is not supported.

Running a benchmark client

You can also perform a local benchmarking run using the script ./bench/ (note that you must start the servers before running this script). If you first ran some simple queries, either close the existing python session or open a new terminal and run the following command. It may also be interesting to interact with the cluster manually via the python API during or after benchmarks are running.

If you started a cluster of 3 nodes, you can start ./bench/ with the following arguments:

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/evaluation$ python ./bench/ --cluster localhost:8000,localhost:8001,localhost:8002 --requests 10 --threads 1 --keys 10 --put-percentage 50

The --cluster option specifies the addresses and client ports of the servers in the cluster. The rest of the options specify a benchmark consisting of 10 randomly generated requests, running at most one request in parallel, over a key space with 10 keys, where on average 50% of requests are puts. You may wish to play with the number of requests, threads, keys, and precentage of put requests (given by command line arguments). Our paper reports measurements taken with 500 keys, 50 threads, and 10000 requests.

Each run of ./bench/ reports the average latency, as well as a detailed log of all requests. This allows to examine whether the latency increases with the size of the log (it should not). You can also try to run ./bench/ several times, possibly killing nodes between runs to exercise fault tolerance. You can also kill nodes during a sufficiently long ./bench/ run, but notice that if you kill the leader during a run, it would not recover. As explained above, a real application would be able to recover by starting a new session. To simulate this, you can kill the leader between multiple ./bench/ runs.

Finally, note that the Multi-Paxos implementation has a known issues: changing leader after a sufficiently long benchmark causes nodes to try to send messages that do not fit in a UDP frame, resulting in those nodes being terminated.

Evaluation on Amazon EC2

If you have access to an Amazon AWS account, you can reproduce the paper's evaluation by running our key-value store, as well as vard and etcd, on EC2. Spinning up on-demand instances, cleaning them up, and running the experiments is all automated, but some configuration is necessary.

EC2 Configuration

You'll need to do a couple of things in the AWS EC2 console:

  • Ensure that port 22 (SSH) is open in your default security group (you can do this from "Security Groups" under "Network & Security")
  • Create a key pair called "bench" (you can do this from "Key Pairs" under "Network & Security"). Download the resulting private key and put it in the VM as /home/ivyuser/.ssh/bench.pem and run chmod 600 /home/ivyuser/.ssh/bench.pem.

Once you've done this, you can configure the VM to access your EC2 account by running (in the VM):

aws configure

and entering your Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and default region as appropriate (if you don't have a region preference, enter us-west-2).

EC2 experiments

The scripts to run on EC2 are in ~/pldi18-artifact/ec2/. The main entry points are and In what follows, we assume that you have run ivy_to_cpp as explained above, so the C++ verified implementations are already created. To run on EC2, copies C++ source files to EC2 instances and compiles them there. Note that the EC2 instances themselves do not have Ivy (or Z3) installed, since they are only used to run the resulting application.

To run experiments, you can start a cluster by running <yaml-script> <experiment-label>. For example, to start the Raft-based key-value store experiment from the paper, run:

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/ec2$ python2 -f experiments/ivyd-raft.yml raft-aec --no-experiment --no-cleanup --dump-instance-yaml raft-instances.yml

This will spin up 4 m4.xlarge EC2 instances, provision them as necessary, and start the Raft-based key-value store on three of them. You can expect this to take 5-10 minutes.

Then, you can use the cluster to perform benchmarks by running

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/ec2$ python2 --config experiments/ivyd-raft.yml --config experiments/closed-loop.yml --instance raft-instances.yml --time 10 --iters 5 --use-processes --threads 1 --threads 2 --threads 4 --threads 8 --threads 16 --threads 32 --threads 64

This will run a benchmarking script from the fourth server to test the performance of the cluster under various loads. Each test runs the benchmark script for 10 seconds with a certain number of client processes and measures throughput and latency. Each 10-second experiment is repeated 5 times (specified by --iters 5). The entire benchmark (5 iterations of ~10 seconds each for each number of threads) should take about 10 minutes.

When the benchmark script finishes, you can terminate all the nodes by running

ivyuser@ivy-vm:~/pldi18-artifact/ec2$ python2 --config experiments/ivyd-raft.yml --config experiments/closed-loop.yml --instance vard-instances.yml --terminate

The logs from every process (the provisioning script, the servers, and the client) are written to a new directory in experiment_logs called raft-aec-<timestamp>. You can also examine these files while the experiment is running. The benchmark script's output will be in the experiment-client-<timestamp>.log files in that directory. The end of the file should contain the total time, throughput, average latency. The file also contains a list of individual latencies for every request.

Each .yml file in the experiments directory corresponds to an experiment from the paper:

  • ivyd-raft.yml: The Raft-based key-value store
  • ivyd-multipaxos.yml: The Multipaxos-based key-value store
  • etcd.yml: The etcd key-value store
  • vard.yml: The vard key-value store

The provisioning scripts for vard and etcd download sources from their respective repositories. All provision scripts download the benchmarking scripts from the vard repository, since we used the vard benchmarks.

To try the other experiments, you can use the following commands:

python2 -f experiments/ivyd-raft.yml raft-aec --no-experiment --no-cleanup --dump-instance-yaml raft-instances.yml
python2 -f experiments/ivyd-multipaxos.yml multipaxos-aec --no-experiment --no-cleanup --dump-instance-yaml multipaxos-instances.yml
python2 -f experiments/etcd.yml etcd-aec --no-experiment --no-cleanup --dump-instance-yaml etcd-instances.yml
python2 -f experiments/vard.yml vard-aec --no-experiment --no-cleanup --dump-instance-yaml vard-instances.yml

And then run the commands as above.

Note that the vard experiment takes significantly longer to set up the cluster since it installs Verdi on the EC2 instances. Also note that if you see messages like SSH connection to ... refused; retrying, you can wait patiently and let the script recover the connection and continue running. Should you become impatient and interrupt the script, the instances will also be terminated shortly. Overall, one should be patient with the script, since it performs some operations that can take minutes to complete (e.g., cause a cloud instance to install software from a remote repository).